Belkyra is the only FDA approved non-surgical option to treat fat deposits in the chin area that can add years to your appearance. Sadly, no matter how much you exercise or how healthy your diet, these fat deposits can remain in place by hereditary design causing self-confidence issues with some patients.
How does it work?
Deoxycholic acid is a molecule that naturally occurs in the body to help break down fats. Belkyra’s active ingredient is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which, when injected into the fat under the chin, get rid of unwanted fat cells forever. The product reduces these fat cells, which are then naturally shed by the body – with truly impressive results. These fats deposits under the chin cannot return. This means that once you have reached your desired results, there is no need to get further treatment.
Belkyra™, also known as Kybella™, is a breakthrough injectable treatment that targets and permanently eliminates fat cells below the chin non-surgically, creating a more refined, youthful chin profile. The active ingredient in Belkyra™ is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the area under your chin, Belkyra™ targets and Eliminates fat cells to restore definition to the neck and jawline. Treatment sessions are usually completed in the office in just 15-20 minutes.