All skin types. All tattoo types. No matter how stubborn.
Multicoloured tattoos, including blues and greens
Hard-to-remove black ink
Stubborn, previously treated tattoos
How it works
Throughout a treatment laser energy is delivered to the unwanted tattoo, targeting the ink and breaking it down into smaller particles. The tiny particles are then eliminated through the body’s natural processes, resulting in faster clearance with fewer treatments than traditional lasers.
Does tattoo laser removal hurt?
Patients have described treatments as feeling similar to the actual tattooing process. Your provider may offer numbing cream to minimize any possible discomfort throughout the treatment.
How long are treatments?
Treating an average-sized tattoo typically takes around 10 minutes. Treatments can be longer depending on the size of the tattoo being treated.
How many treatments are needed?
A series of treatments is typically recommended. The number of treatments needed is dependent on variables such as ink type, size of the tattoo, location on the body, lifestyle habits, etc. Work with your provider to come up with a plan that’s right for you!
With PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal, the skin surrounding the treated area will not be affected. The patented technology shatters the ink into tiny dust-like particles and the body eliminates them naturally. This allows for better clearance with fewer treatments and no injury to the surrounding skin.
After cleansing and while skin is still moist, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor® ointment to the treated tattoo.
Apply a non-stick pad over the tattoo until it is healed.
Avoid sun exposure to the treated area. Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply to the treated area every 2 hours when exposed to the sun and it is recommended to make this a part of your skin care routine.
Clean area daily with mild soap and water and pat dry.
Do not shave the treated area if crusting is evident.
Avoid sun exposure between treatments. If sun exposure is unavoidable, apply SPF 30+ to protect exposed, treated areas.
Apply moisturizers for sensitive skin as needed.
For patients who are prone to break outs or have sebaceous skin, consider waiting 24 hours before applying any topical products.
Do not rub or scratch the area.
Discomfort may be relieved by using cool gel packs or acetaminophen.
If blistering occurs, keep the area moist by applying antibiotic ointment 3 times per day per recommendation of the physician. Do not enter swimming pools or hot tubs until treated areas are healed.
No swimming or using hot tubs for at least 48 hours post treatment.